
公開日 2022年12月23日(Fri)

Every month Alex makes an English Poster for students to engage with English outside of the classroom. For December, She made a Christmas trivia advent calendar. Every day the students can answer a question about Christmas. If correct, the students will get a sticker from her sticker box. Students, teachers, and even the principal have enjoyed the Christmas advent calendar.


ALTのアレックス先生は毎月,生徒たちが授業以外の場で英語に親しむためのポスターを掲示しています。 12月はクリスマス豆知識としてアドベントカレンダーを作りました。生徒たちは毎日ポスターを見て,クリスマスにまつわる質問に答え,正解したらシールを1枚ご褒美でもらっています。生徒だけでなく校長先生をはじめ,先生たちまでもがこのクリスマスアドベントカレンダーを楽しんでいます。



Earlier this month, Ms. Nakahara asked Alex to help her with her newest poster. They worked together and translated Japanese phrases from her poster into English. Ms. Nakahara hopes that the English will encourage more students to read her poster. Alex is very happy that Ms. Nakahara asked for her help with her poster.


